10th IAS Conference on HIV Science | 21-24 July 2019 | Mexico City, Mexico

Conference Committees

  • Scientific Programme Committee (SPC)
  • Track Committees
  • Community Engagement Board

IAS 2019 International Scientific Co-Chair
Anton Pozniak, United Kingdom
St Stephen’s Centre, Chelsea & Westminster NHS Trust
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IAS 2019 Local Scientific Co-Chair
Brenda Crabtree Ramirez, Mexico
Autonomous University of Mexico
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IAS President-Elect
Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Malaysia
University of Malaya 
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IAS Regional Representative
Luis Soto-Ramirez, Mexico
Hospital Medica Sur 
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Executive Director
Kevin Osborne, Switzerland
International AIDS Society 
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Track A Lead – Basic Science

Nancie Archin, United States
University of North Carolina 
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Nicolas Chomont, Canada
Université de Montréal 
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Track B Lead – Clinical Science

Carlos del Rio, United States
Emory University 
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Juan Sierra Madero, Mexico
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán 
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Track C Lead – Prevention Science

Beatriz Grinsztejn, Brazil
Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases-FIOCRUZ 
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Sinead Delany-Moretlwe, South Africa
University of Witwatersrand 
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Track D Lead – Social, Behavioural and Implementation Science

Judith Auerbach, United States
University of California San Francisco 
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Nduku Kilonzo, Kenya
Kenya National AIDS Control Council 
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Carlos E. Rodriguez-Diaz, United States
The George Washington University 
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Community Engagement Board Co-Chair (CEB)

Rodrigo Moheno, Mexico
Mexico Vivo Foundation
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Each scientific track has a track committee comprised of track leads and members who are selected with regard to expertise, region, and gender. The track committees play an active role in the preparation of the IAS 2019 conference programme, from the initial planning stage through to finalizing the programme content.

Track A – Basic Science

Nancie Archin, United States | Read the bio
Nicolas Chomont, Canada | Read the bio
Marlène Bras, Switzerland | Read the bio
Guido Ferrari, United States | Read the bio
Nilu Goonetilleke, United States
Mathias Lichterfeld, United States | Read the bio
Sarah Palmer, Australia | Read the bio
Viviana Simon, United States | Read the bio
Lydie Trautmann, United States | Read the bio

Track B Lead – Clinical Science

Carlos del Rio, United States | Read the bio
Juan Sierra Madero, Mexico | Read the bio
Allison Agwu, United States | Read the bio
Victor Akelo, Kenya | Read the bio
Claudia Cortes, Chile | Read the bio
Jennifer Hoy, Australia | Read the bio
Thuy Le, Vietnam | Read the bio
Alicia Piñeirúa Menéndez, Mexico | Read the bio
Laura Waters, United Kingdom | Read the bio

Track C – Prevention Science

Sinead Delany-Moretlwe, South Africa | Read the bio
Beatriz Grinsztejn, Brazil | Read the bio
Rachel Baggaley, WHO | Read the bio
Frances Cowan, Zimbabwe | Read the bio
Elizabeth M Irungu, Kenya | Read the bio
Landon Myer, South Africa | Read the bio
Audrey Pettifor, United States | Read the bio
Nittaya Phanuphak, Thailand | Read the bio
Jorge Sanchez, United States | Read the bio

Track D – Social, Behavioural and Implementation Science

Judith Auerbach, United States | Read the bio
Nduku Kilonzo, Kenya | Read the bio
Carlos E. Rodriguez-Diaz, United States | Read the bio
Udi Davidovich, Netherlands | Read the bio
Martin Holt, Australia | Read the bio
Sheri A Lippman, United States | Read the bio
Souhail Malavé-Rivera, Puerto Rico | Read the bio
Kenneth Ngure, Kenya | Read the bio
Enbal Shacham, United States | Read the bio

IAS 2019 Community Engagement Board Chair

Rodrigo Moheno, Mexico
Mexico Vivo Foundation
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Bruno Spire, France
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Mary Ann Torres, Canada
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)
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Carlos Garcia de Leon, Mexico
AVE de México - ICASO - MPact - GayLatino - Communities Delegation GF
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Javier Hourcade Bellocq, Argentina
The Global Network of People Living With HIV (GNP+)
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