10th IAS Conference on HIV Science | 21-24 July 2019 | Mexico City, Mexico


First look: Early programme preview

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The programme preview of the 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019) is now available featuring the confirmed symposia and plenary sessions.

Symposia sessions address critical issues that defy simple solutions. Focusing on a single, clearly defined topic or issue, speakers and delegates share experiences, contribute relevant research findings, and brainstorm ideas to identify possible ways forward.

Here’s a first look at some of the hot topics delegates can expect to see this July.

Please note that abstract-driven sessions will be announced in May, along with the launch of the full IAS 2019 online programme. Don’t forget, there’s still time to submit a scientific abstract, late-breaker submissions will open on 18 April.

  • New prevention products in the pipeline: A review of new prevention tools in development and data on their safety and pharmacokinetics
  • Sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention: A look at best practices in integrating HIV and sexual and reproductive health services including an examination of STI prevalence in the context of PrEP and data on interactions between PrEP and hormonal contraceptives
  • HIV testing and management in the era of PrEP: A discussion of HIV testing challenges in the context of new and emerging PrEP products
  • Next-generation trial design in HIV prevention: Considerations for future HIV prevention trial design as the range of prevention options
  • Keep control: Elite and post-treatment controllers: Learning from the immune systems of people able to control HIV without drugs
  • Hide and seek: Reservoir and strategies to target them: New data on the dynamics of HIV reservoirs and the feasibility of approaches aimed at achieving a functional cure
  • Kill the enemy: CTL and NK cells: Breaking insights into adaptive and innate immunity against HIV and the implications for vaccine development
  • New and old players in HIV replication: New understanding of the cellular and viral factors that enhance or inhibit HIV replication and how these mechanisms can be harnessed
  • Gender matters: How gender-transformative approaches are changing the HIV response: An interactive session that explores how to use data and gender analysis to improve HIV programming for women and girls in all their diversity
  • PrEP, prevent, test: Increasing young key populations’ uptake of HIV prevention and testing services: Best practices in preventing HIV among young key populations including the use of social media and mobile apps to deliver tailored prevention information
  • TB, opportunistic mycosis and hepatitis co-infection: A look at new data on important opportunistic infections in people living with HIV
  • Political will to get to zero infections: A reflection on the importance of political will in getting to zero new infections and how to maintain high levels of political will at a global level and within countries for HIV in the face of emerging transitions and competing priorities
  • Achieving HIV control: Considerations for achieving HIV epidemic control through the expansion of HIV treatment and prevention
  • Ageing successfully with controlled HIV: The importance of non-communicable diseases: A look at best practices in preventing and managing co-morbidities in controlling HIV and in healthy ageing
  • What is the cure, why do we need it and how do we get there?: A discussion between the community representatives, basic scientists and clinicians involved in HIV cure research on the search for a cure and how it can be achieved


Please note more sessions and speakers will be added to the programme as they are confirmed.